Rand Paul Objects To Impeachment: No Democrat Honestly Asks If Bernie Sanders Incited The Man Who Shot Steve Scalise

Sen. Rand Paul spoke out strongly against Congressional Democrats' effort to impeach and convict President Trump after his term is over <a href="http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2021/01/26/impeachment_manager_jaime_raskin_second_trial_is_not_so_much_nearly_about_the_past_as_it_is_about_the_future.html">in order to prevent the possibility of him running again in 2024</a>. He said earlier Tuesday that he plans to formally object to the Senate holding a trial, forcing a vote in order to demonstrate that a conviction will be impossible. "I think it’ll be enough to show that you know more than a third of the Senate thinks that the whole proceeding is unconstitutional which will show that ultimately they don’t have the votes to do an impeachment," he said. He also tore into Democrats for the very reason for doing the second impeachment, allegations that President Trump incited a riot on Capitol Hill during the electoral college certification on January 6. "Hyperpartisan Democrats are about to drag our great country down into the gutter of rancor and vitriol, the likes of which has never been seen in our nation's history," he said. "No Democrat will honestly ask whether Bernie Sanders incited the shooter that nearly killed Steve Scalise," he stated seriously. "No Democrat will ask whether Maxine Waters incited violence when she literally told her supporters '<a href="https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2018/06/25/maxine_waters_god_is_on_our_side.html">to confront Trump officials in public.</a>'" "Instead of doing the nation’s work, Democrats are wasting the nation’s time on a partisan vendetta against a man no longer in office. It’s as if they have no ability to exist except in opposition to Donald Trump. Without him, they might have to legislate and convince Americans that their policies are the right ones," Paul roared. <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Democrats claim to want to unify the country, but trying a former president, a private citizen, on impeachment charges is the antithesis of unity. <br> <a href="https://t.co/kJcj0xxs0D">https://t.co/kJcj0xxs0D</a></p>— Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) <a href="https://twitter.com/RandPaul/status/1354128850851155968?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 26, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>