4 Most Effective Ways to Get Rid of the Gamey Taste in Wild Meat

4 Most Effective Ways to Get Rid of the Gamey Taste in Wild Meat If you're struggling with the gamey taste in wild meat, start here. You spend a lot of time, effort and money in going about chasing down wild game for the freezer. The last thing you want in wild meat is a gamey taste when it comes time to cook it. All is not lost if the first time you tried to eat your hard-earned meal, the gamey flavor was just too overpowering to enjoy anything. Thankfully, we've found a few kitchen hacks when it comes to cooking venison, elk or other game animals that takes those stronger flavors right out. A lot of people love to tell you how much they hate eating wild game meat because of the overpowering flavor. When it comes down to the facts, though, they probably never actually ate a properly field-dressed animal. On top of that, the wild game meat might not have been prepared according to traditional wild game recipes. Game meats aren't the same as beef. Unfortunately, many try to cook it the same way. The following suggestions are true results from nothing but trial and error. My wife hates the gamey taste of venison. However, we've found a few ways around this that I'm sure will work for you, too. If you think something tastes gamey, here's where you start to turn that around. 1. Field dressing basics One of the biggest reasons your venison or other wild game might have a strong gamey taste starts in the field. The key to getting great-tasting game meats is to get the animal gutted and cooled as quickly as possible. The longer the animal stays in the field, overnight for example due to a bad shot, the worse it's going to taste. Enzymes start breaking down inside the animal fairly rapidly. The warmer it is outside, the quicker this process happens. For most hunters, this is the biggest reason your meat tastes terrible. A lot of hunters also tend to believe it's necessary to hang and bleed an animal after it's been gutted. However, a shot throu