How to Make Homemade Car Wash Soap in 3 Steps

Going through the car wash at Walmart or your local grocery store is definitely convenient, but there's something about washing your own car. You're not worried about potential scratches on a new car, and you get to be picky about the detailing. Although I will admit the soap at a car wash spot is top tier. It smells amazing, and it suds up perfectly. Whether you wash your car at home because it's a classic car you only trust in your hands, or because you truly enjoy the dirty work, consider making your own homemade car wash soap. Trust me, you'll want to use this recipe to make your car look shiny and new. What You'll Need to Make Your Own Car Wash Soap: A bucket Warm water 1/4 cup baking soda (Some prefer white vinegar) 1/4 cup dishwashing soap (Some prefer to use baby shampoo) Step One: Grab a bucket. You can probably find one at your local grocery store for a dollar or grab one on Amazon. You'll also want a measuring cup so you can make sure you have the correct amount of each ingredient. Step Two: After you have put dishwashing liquid and baking soda into the bucket, fill up the bucket with water. As the bucket fills, it will start to look like soapy water. Step Three: Wash your car! Car cleaning products can be expensive, and if you park your car in a garage daily like me, you know how much car cleaning you have to do. There's a good chance you already have all of these products at home. Dish soap is a versatile cleaning product by the way. Laundry detergent isn't a stain remover, but dish soap can definitely aid in removing stains. A drop of liquid soap and scrubbing is one of the best home remedies pre-treatments I've done for my clothes. Quick tip, keep this homemade car wash soap in a spray bottle. Sometimes water and the work of your windshield wipers just don't get a bird's mess off your windshield. Next time you're at the gas station and want to touch up some dirty spots, spray the car cleaner solution on it. A clean car mak