DEFENDING 1v1 - Winning Soccer Skills

DEFENDING 1v1 - Winning Soccer Skills. Former US National Champion Eric De Sousa explains a 1v1 drill, and highlights the key aspects for shutting down the attacker. The drill starts with the attacker receiving a pass, at which point they dribble forward attempting to score in either of two goals positioned ahead. The defender starts between the goals, and confronts the attacker with the objective of forcing them out of bounds or winning possession of the ball without letting the attacker pass through either goal. Rehearsing 1v1 scenarios is very important for any player in the back line. Their primary objective should be to delay the attacking player and not let them get past, which in a game will allow their defending teammates to get in position and assist in the defending if needed. As a result of the short time an attacker has, they will often make a mistake against a defender patient enough to jockey them without committing to a tackle, at which point the defender will gain possession.