CNN national security analyst and former Obama administration official Samantha Vinograd said Tuesday that Vinograd said it is possible that the criminal investigation into President Trump hasn't concluded and there is "still a chance" that Russian president Vladimir Putin is "controlling the White House." "The counterintelligence red flags are flying a lot higher than they did arguably when this investigation was first launched," Vinograd declared. "This investigation is continuing and there is still a chance that Vladimir Putin is controlling the White House," she added. Vinograd doubled down on Twitter following her appearance on CNN. See the tweet below the transcript: <blockquote>KATE BOLDUAN, CNN ANCHOR: And there he is talking about the "Gang of 8." The "Gang of 8" is the top congressional leaders of both parties along with the top leaders of the intelligence committees of both parties. That means that Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Richard Burr and Devin Nunes, the republicans here we're talking about all were given a heads up. And none of them spoke up in objection. Joining me right now, CNN legal analyst and former federal prosecutor for the southern district of New York Jennifer Rogers and former senior advisor to the National Security Council during the Obama administration Samantha Vinograd; thanks for being here, guys. So Sam, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Devin Nunes, Richard Burr. I mean add to that the democrats in the room as well for that matter. They sit in a briefing with McCabe and others. They say we have launched a counter intelligence and an obstruction investigation in to the president. No objections thee. Does that mean that they were onboard? SAMANTHA VINOGRAD, NATIONAL SECURITY ANALYST: It means that they agreed with the information that the FBI and the Department of Justice used to launch an investigation. Andrew McCabe has laid out that some of the tidbits of information that lead the FBI and the Department of Justice to make this case. And my question coming out of the news that we heard today on the Today Show is, is that investigation still ongoing? McCabe has said that the president's moves to undercut Russia related investigations to believe Vladimir Putin over his intelligence community to make personnel decisions based on Russia related matters all lead to this investigation. McCabe would've laid that out before the "Gang of 8." But just in the past few days, the counter intelligence red flags are flying a lot higher than they did arguably when this investigation was first launched. So, it is entirely possible Kate, that the "Gang of 8" has been briefed on an ongoing investigation because that hasn't concluded. And that the other members of the U.S. government were briefed before like the director of the CIA, Mike Pompeo who is now Secretary of State. And that this investigation is continuing and there is still a chance that Vladimir Putin is controlling the White House.</blockquote> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I just spoke with <a href="">@CNN</a> about this - there is in fact a chance that Vladimir Putin is controlling the WH. We don't know if the CI investigation ever ended, and the CI red flags are flying high, still. <a href=""></a></p>— Sam Vinograd (@sam_vinograd) <a href="">February 19, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>